Γραμμή Προσφορών / Παραγγελιών: 801.1182.900 (από σταθερό) 211.1182. 9851 (από κινητό)
Γραμμή Προσφορών / Παραγγελιών: 801.1182.900 (από σταθερό) 211.1182. 9851 (από κινητό)

Μοριοσανίδες (Νοβοπάν)

Chipboard (ΝΟΒΟΠΑΝ)

Chipboard νοβοπάν is made of pieces of wood and sawdust in combination with high-pressure resin-bonding materials resulting in chipboard plates in various dimensions.

It is an economical solution, with less density and moisture resistance than MDF. Particle boards are usually coated with synthetic materials such as melamine and wood veneer and are intended for use on large surfaces used in many constructions: offices, libraries, kitchens, tables, cabinets, etc.
