Γραμμή Προσφορών / Παραγγελιών: 801.1182.900 (από σταθερό) 211.1182. 9851 (από κινητό)
Γραμμή Προσφορών / Παραγγελιών: 801.1182.900 (από σταθερό) 211.1182. 9851 (από κινητό)



Το Niangon is a species of tropical tree that thrives in West Africa and in the lowland and hilly areas of the African tropical zone. The tree reaches a height of 30-40 meters with a trunk diameter of 60 to 90cm.

Niangon is known for its high weather resistance thanks to the high density of its tissues. Ideal for outdoor construction, areas with high humidity or near the sea.

Niangon exhibits moderate changes in dimensions during and after treatment, so it is widely used in boat construction, interior and exterior frames, furniture, greenhouses, veneers, etc.

