Fiberboards are called plates made of fibers or fiber aggregates machined at a specified temperature. The different types of fiber boards available are distinguished by the method of drying the fibers, the glue used and their density. Fiberboard is divided into high density (Hardboard or HB), low density (Softboard or SB) and medium density (Medium Density Fiberboard or MDF).
The main features of MDF are its excellent mechanical performance, high stability, homogeneity, low swelling in thickness and suitability for melamine and veneer applications.
The two main categories of this type of timber are the bare MDF, which is economical and has a fairly thick coating and MDF has a laminated veneer sheet on both sides. Specific categories related to MDF construction materials and durability are:
It is used as a building block for use in humid conditions, in a wide range of constructions and applications (partitions, exhibits, packaging, window frames, skirts & awnings, furniture accessories, etc.). The boards are made of green fibers in their basic form and are suitable for further processing and painting.
Οι MDF FR fireproof boards have improved fire retardant and non-sparking properties. They are used as general-purpose boards in dry conditions, especially in public places that require strict fire safety regulations. Its boards are made of red fibers in their basic form.
MDF is very resistant to pressures and bumps, and does not distort as easily as melamine and OSB. It is an ideal construction material for cabinets, libraries, doors, partitions and furniture fittings.
The advantages of this type of timber include that it can be milled into many shapes and designs. A single piece of MDF can, for example, be used even on large doors, increasing the durability of the construction, while keeping its cost low.